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Reading is part of life. I set aside at least an hour each day to read. Here, you can find the most recent books that I have read throughout the past few years.

Reading is part of life. I set aside at least an hour each day to read. Here, you can find the most recent books that I have read throughout the past few years.


  1. 12 Pillars

  2. The Religion of Man

  3. Where the Crawdads Sing

  4. The History of Money


  1. Antifragile

  2. The Mind of the Strategist

  3. The Devil in the White City

  4. Nudge

  5. Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life

  6. Winnie the Pooh

  7. The Changing Role of the CIO

  8. Harvard Business Review: On Strategy

  9. The Power of Now

  10. The Little Book of Valuation

  11. The Better Angels of our Nature

  12. Designing Your Life

  13. The Prince

  14. Triumph of the City

  15. Bushido: The Soul of Japan

  16. Brave New World

  17. American Psycho

  18. The Doors of Perception

  19. Dune

  20. Fight Club

  21. 2010: The Year We Make Contact

  22. Sapiens

  23. The Book of Five Rings

  24. Why I Write

  25. Where I’m Calling From: New and Selected Stories

  26. Six Easy Pieces

  27. The Revolt of the Public


  1. Algorithms to Live By

  2. Lying

  3. What's the Future and Why It's Up to Us

  4. Grit

  5. Howl

  6. The Art of War

  7. The Little Book that Builds Wealth

  8. Crucial Conversations

  9. Never Split the Difference

  10. Tao Te Ching

  11. The Lessons of History

  12. Tribe of Mentors

  13. The 4-Hour Workweek

  14. Principles: Life and Work

  15. The Wisdom of Insecurity

  16. The Power of Now

  17. Courage

  18. In Praise of Idleness

  19. The War of Art

  20. Finite and Infinite Games


  1. Waiting for Godot

  2. Blue Ocean Strategy

  3. Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus

  4. Nonzero

  5. Creativity Inc.

  6. The Third Wave

  7. Biotech Industry: A Global, Economic, and Financing Overview

  8. The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces of the Future

  9. Green Cities

  10. Bottom-Up Enterprise

  11. Small Great Things

  12. The Essays of Warren Buffet

  13. The Intelligent Investor

  14. Security Analysis

  15. The Wealth of Nations

  16. The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid

  17. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck

  18. Waking Up

  19. Poorl Charlie's Almanac

  20. Start-Up Nation

  21. Why Nations Fail


  1. Jack

  2. Man's Search for Meaning

  3. 0 to 1

  4. The Young Professional's Survival Guide

  5. When Breathe Becomes Air

  6. Who rules the World

  7. The Old Man and the Sea

  8. Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX and Building a Fantastic Future

  9. Vault Guide to Investment Banking

  10. Monkey Business

  11. Liar's Poker

  12. The Art of the Deal

  13. The Lean Startup

  14. The Charisma Myth

  15. Getting Past No

  16. What to Say After You Say Hello

  17. Think and Grow Rich

  18. The History of Money

  19. A Short History of Nearly Everything

  20. The E-Myth Revisited

  21. The Tipping Point

  22. Blink

  23. Thinking Fast and Slow

  24. The Power of Habit

  25. The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People

  26. Civilization: The West and the Rest

  27. Stray Birds